Jessie Zarrelli

Hi! I'm a Meisner trained actor (graduate of The Neighborhood Playhouse in NYC). I regularly take class at AMAW in Los Angeles and have taken improv in NY and through The Second City. I'm bicoastal and actively audition for Film, TV and commercials. I love learning more about self tape and audition technique and stay up to date through podcasts, interviews, CD workshops, self tape classes and PRACTICE!!

I love helping fellow actors. I'm happy to help solely as a reader and follow instructions/ do what helps you get what you need or guide you/help you get out of your head and try something new! I have some tips to help give a fresh take and make you feel grounded and ready to go.

I graduated from The Neighborhood Playhouse in NYC, where I studied Meisner for two years. I take classes at AMAW in LA and have done improv for the past few years. I've written a one-woman show and a web series (which was filmed virtually during 2020) I have bicoastal reps, love comedy, drama and commercials!

Most recently, find me as the face of:

Credits Include

Discovering Brooklynn
Day Player